FairLife Healthshop is a premier provider of high-quality heme iron supplements, specially formulated to support individuals with iron deficiency and enhance overall vitality. Heme iron is known for its superior bioavailability, allowing the body to absorb it more efficiently compared to non-heme iron sources.
At FairLife Healthshop, we are committed to offering safe, effective, and easy-to-digest heme iron supplements that are gentle on the stomach. Our products are trusted by healthcare professionals and individuals alike to improve energy levels, combat fatigue, and support overall well-being. With FairLife Healthshop, you can trust that your journey to better health is in good hands.

Iron Supplement
Quality supplement to safely raise your iron levels, when needed.

Heme Iron
Heme iron is absorbed efficiently and as a whole unit. Make the right choice!

Omega-3 fatty acids in fish oils may help prevent heart disease and stroke.
Get OptiFer PregnaVita+

In general, heme iron is found in significant quantities only in animals. A distinguishing feature of this type of iron is that it is absorbed into the body regardless of external factors. No antinutrients or chemicals can prevent the absorption of heme iron, so it is readily bioavailable.
This type of iron must be hydrolyzed from any protein it is attached to, Then, it can be absorbed quickly into the body’s systems. Typically, the human body can absorb about 20 to 25 percent of heme iron from animal-based food like steak. Absorption happens most effectively in the duodenum or the small intestine.
Why Choose OptiFer PregnaVita+?
Boosting Your Health
Iron deficiency has a very negative impact on the quality of life.
Advanced Formula
OptiFer® is based on a natural heme iron raw material, exclusive to MediTec.
Best Iron Supplement
OptiFer PregnaVita+ has the best efficacy and tolerance in all published studies and is recommended by many health professionals the world over.
Natural Ingredients
OptiFer PregnaVita+ contains all the natural ingredients with virtually no side effects.

Frequently Asked Questions
1. Why are low iron levels so common?
Mainly because we nowadays eat a diet that contains less of iron rich meat courses than our voracious and hardworking ancestors.
We also have a different beauty concept today with a thin body as the ideal body shape.
Women who menstruate for three days or more almost always need an iron supplement to compensate for the blood loss.
Other risk groups are athletes, youngsters, pregnant and lactating women.
Adult males rarely suffer from iron deficiency.
2. What happens when the iron levels are low?
You may get tired, have reduced concentration, get hair loss and brittle finger nails and generally feel weak.
low iron count has also been shown to have a negative impact on cognitive functions.
Iron status of pregnant women and those planning to conceive has an effect on the weight of the fetus, even to such a degree that it affects the health status of an individual during their whole lifetime.
Also the uptake of cadmium is increased, which may lead to osteoporosis.
3. What forms of digestible iron are there?
The elemental iron is called organic or heme iron when it is bound to the proteins hemoglobin or myoglobin, as is the case in meat courses.
All other forms of iron are inorganic or non-heme and this is when the iron molecule is chelated or bound to for instance salts (as in vegetables) starch, citrates or other chemical compounds. The regular iron supplements are synthetic artificial chemical creations made with iron sulphate, iron fumarate or similar.
Our bodies can utilize both forms, but heme iron is vastly superior both in uptake and tolerance.
Outside of digestible iron there are intravenously given iron and transfusions. There are considered a last resort when oral iron is no longer tolerated. These are expensive, painful and cumbersome methods. They also have their risks, such as overdosing, allergic reactions and oxidative stress. However, iron is absolutely vital to life.
Heme iron works in all situations and tolerance is excellent. Tolerance and efficacy will not change over time.
4. How is the iron stored in the body?
Iron is stored, mostly in the liver as ferritin or hemosiderin. In a blood test the Hb-value tells how much iron in the form of hemoglobin the body has available for transporting oxygen to the cells. The ferritin count is used to measure stored iron.
The liver’s stores of ferritin are the primary physiologic source of reserve iron in the body.
Iron deficiency first affects the storage iron in the body. When stores are empty deficiency will appear. Since iron is primarily required for hemoglobin, iron deficiency anemia is the primary clinical manifestation of iron deficiency.
5. What affects the uptake?
The heme iron in meat courses is being absorbed through a separate mechanism and is practically uninfluenced by what is eaten at the same time.
The calcium in milk products is also regarded as having a generally lessening effect on iron uptake.
The uptake of heme iron is not affected by simultaneously ingested food, drink or medication, since it follows a different and separate parallel uptake mechanism. Heme iron is taken up in any clinical situation, even after gut surgery.
6. Can you get too much iron?
Yes, if you for instance suffer from the rare and hereditary disease of hemochromatose or if you suddenly are exposed to huge doses. The poisoning dose is considered to be 20 mg or more iron per kilo of body weight. The result is primarily nausea, but it may also be dangerous. This is the reason that iron supplements should always be kept out of reach of children.
From Heme-Iron only what is needed is absorbed. The rest remains inert in the gut, as opposed to non-heme iron, which leaves the not-absorbed part as toxic and reactive free iron ions in the stomach causing gastro-intestinal side-effects. The efficacy of heme iron is so good, that a small dose is all that’s needed for iron replacement.
7. I understand that the source for heme iron is bovine blood from the food industry. What about BSE and such?
There is no BSE within the EU any longer and certification is very strict. Today this is not even theoretically a problem.
8. Supplemental Heme iron is an organic product based on bovine hemoglobin. Is it safe?
Heme iron tablet supplements have been in use in Scandinavia for more than 30 years. There have been no cases of serious side-effects or poisonings reported after use by literally millions.
The raw material is pharma-grade and comes with all necessary certification.
The OptiFer® heme iron supplements are accepted by the FDA and within the EU.
The OptiFer®-products are Halal-certified on the grounds that they are potentially life-saving.
In all published medical studies the effect of the OptiFer® supplements is very good and the tolerance is placebo level. Heme iron is by far the best form of oral supplementation.
9. The OptiFer® tablets normally contain only 18 mgs of iron. Is this enough?
Today a new raw material has been developed. All the iron in the OptiFer®-series of products is heme iron. The dosage 18 mg is based on food supplement regulations and will give an ideally steady and mild supplementation to correct iron values.
Since hemoglobin iron is so well absorbed, the efficacy means that the dose easily can compete with non-heme products with 50 mg or more per dose.
(“Iron supplementation in pregnancy: is less enough”, Eskeland et al. Acta Obstet Gyn Scand 76 1997)
10. Is the raw material, being organic, very sensitive?
The dried raw material powder when used as in tablets is totally inert over time and not susceptible to any change. Not absorbed hemoglobin in the gut is also totally inert and will not cause stomach problems.
The product withstands time and heat and the tablets are packed in airtight blister charts.
Supplement/Food legislation implies a best-before date, usually one or two years from date of manufacture.
11. Is there an upper limit to raw material availability?
The food industry is well equipped to produce much more raw material than needed for supplement tablets.
There will not be a shortage of hemoglobin raw material.
12. How safe is heme iron? What do we know historically?
In clinical studies the ratio of side-effects is placebo level (lowest possible). It is very unlikely for poisoning to occur with the low doses in heme iron tablets.
Heme iron has no known interactions with medication, food or drink.
Heme iron supplementation has been in wide use in Scandinavia since the 1970s. There are no reported cases of serious side-effects or poisoning.
Get OptiFer PregnaVita+

MediTec International FairLife Group